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Online Courses, Group Teaching and Event Speaking


Every Monday 7PM at Experience Tea in Issaquah:
Well-being Hour ending with a Meditation
May 24, 2019 11:00am Coal Creek YMCA:
Come Join Me at the Coal Creek YMCA for a Meditation Workshop!  I will be teaching about meditation and the benefits of having a regular practice. I will describe the goal of a successful meditation session and provide some tips to try during your meditation.  It will be an enlightening and relaxing experience!


Every Monday 7PM at Experience Tea in Issaquah:
Well-being Hour ending with a Meditation
May 24, 2019 11:00am Coal Creek YMCA:
Come Join Me at the Coal Creek YMCA for a Meditation Workshop!  I will be teaching about meditation and the benefits of having a regular practice. I will describe the goal of a successful meditation session and provide some tips to try during your meditation.  It will be an enlightening and relaxing experience!

Online Courses, Group Teaching and Event Speaking

Meditation Teaching:


Online Courses:


Discover my Your Higher Wisdom Online course:


Guest Speaker:



Teaching Meditation & Mindfulness at the Office

Why Meditation at Work?


Allowing employees time on the job to learn and practice meditation and mindfulness will greatly benefit both employee and employer.  After 28 years working in software engineering, I know firsthand how a regular meditation practice at the office is beneficial.  Several years ago, I started a meditation practice with my co-workers and we all noticed an increase in our ability to stay focused and improved creativity throughout the day.


Key Offerings

  • I provide ongoing sessions to teach and guide employees through the experience of meditation and mindfulness.

  • A one-time Meditation Mindfulness Training class to help get you started on your own program.

  • Health Fair Meditation and Mindfulness Workshops (during your Health Fair)


Why Meditation?

Most people are aware of the stress reduction benefits of meditation and there have been several studies to support this fact.  But there are so many more benefits worth considering for office application. 


  • Creating harmonious employee relationships Improving team collaboration

  • Increasing sense of connectedness

  • Focusing employee attention and concentration

  • Improving ability to make decisions

  • Increasing creativity

  • Promoting happiness and well being

  • ​

All these benefits are a result of quieting the mind.  Meditation does not stop the mind from thinking.  Instead meditation takes your attention off thinking and creates a space for listening.  Meditation gives us space from our thinking mind.  And just by showing up and trying it, you will enjoy these benefits

Grateful Students and Clients:

“Lisa’s mindfulness sessions really helped our team learn how to be in the moment.  Her sessions provided insights to overcoming challenges we all face when trying to calm the mind.  We also noticed an increase in team productivity and idea generation.  Her sessions had a lasting impact on our team”

                       from a Local IT Consulting Company



"Lisa has been gracious enough to participate in our health fairs and afforded the employees with excellent meditation and relaxation training. We invited her back the following year because of positive feedback and employee requests. Lisa displayed excellent customer service and demonstrated her skills in guiding employees through the relaxation and meditation processes. All who came out of her class were visibly pleased with the experience. I highly recommend Lisa as a practitioner."


                       from a Local Aerospace Company



"I was searching for meditation that would be a fit for me. When I discovered Lisa it felt very right. She is open and embracing to everyone at any level of learning. Her energy is clean and bright and comes from a place of love. Lisa is continually striving to expand her own consciousness and shares all that she learns and knows. I am very grateful to have found her."

                                              Grateful Student


Having recently completed the Higher Wisdom Course, thanks to Lisa I have begun a new journey in life, learning to create more balance in my life and becoming more connected at a deeper level.  Lisa is a wonderful warm-hearted Intuitive Instructor, who is aiding in opening my eyes to a new and deeper understanding in trying to live a more positive, meaningful life, learning and incorporating more mindfulness and peace into everyday day.  I have only high regards for Lisa, and am thrilled to have met a Professional Coach / Spiritual Teacher to assist in my new journey!   Barbara J, Colorado


Have any Questions? I would love to hear from you!


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